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Conferences of Ezoneplus at a Glance

Regional workshop Berlin

Rote Rathaus Berlin, 26th April 2002
Luise-Schroeder-Saal 14.00-17.30

The key note speech is now online available:
Dr. Hubert Gabrisch: Politische und Ökonomische Dimensionen einer Osterweiterung der Eurozone Full text (pdf)

The regional workshop "Political and Economic Dimensions of the Eastward Enlargement of the Eurozone" is a co-operative event of the DFG-graduate programme "The New Europe" and the Ezoneplus research project. It will proceed in the form of a panel discussion (Note: workshop language will be german).

The presentation is organized in two parts. First, there will be an introductory address by Dr. Hubert Gabrisch (Halle Institute for Economic Research - IWH) from the view of scientific policy advise. Subsequently, there will be a speech by Prof. Dr. Michael Bolle (Ezoneplus) representing the perspective of academia. The second part of the panel discussion focuses on specific research topics, i.e. the transition of capital markets and the social dimension of the eastward enlargement.

The workshop aims at getting researchers with special interests in the range of European integration and eastward enlargement together. These researches are predominantly political and social scientists, economists, etc. from the region of Berlin-Brandenburg. With the event it is intended to foster the exchange of ideas and to facilitate future co-operation.

For further information please contact Christian Fahrholz
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April, 2005
New Book:

Policy Advice in the Process of Eurozone Enlargement: Markets and Policies.
[further information]

New Working paper
No. 25: Women's Employment, Children and Transition: An Empirical Analysis on Poland
download PDF-file

Newsletter No. 10 out now.
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Working paper
No. 24:
Partisan Preferences and Political Institutions: Explaining Fiscal Retrenchment in the European Union
download PDF-file

The EU's "Research Information Centre" has published a report on the Ezoneplus project.
Click here to read the article (europa.eu.int)

Ezoneplus Final Report 2004 is now published:
Eurozone Enlargement - Exploring Uncharted Waters
download pdf-file

Friday, June 28, 2002
Unpublished EU - Data on the CAP and on Structural Funds now downloadable in Data & Statistics

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